dance makes me crazy sometimes.
but i guess that’s the case with anything we truly love. the effect of it, him, or her is so dizzying, so thick and potent- it can make us feel like we can freaking fly, or like we can never ever get up again.. the passion that we feel for it is like a fire that can fill us so completely with scorching bliss or consume us in its flames entirely, until no part of us is left. and we happily burn and burn.
and why? for what reason do we generously indulge ourselves in something that can, at any given moment, make us so angry, insecure, and most of all, causes us to sacrifice so many other things, including the simplicity our life would possess if this thing were non-existent?
i know why i do it. because without it, if i was completely void of this flame, this passion, i would die of the cold. the coldness of an empty soul that would never know what the warmth of art feels like, the pretty colors flowing through our veins, our magic lips and tongues, our blessed feet, the ability to communicate what lies in the depths of our souls through art forms that only our God Almighty could have put in our hands. there is something so dangerous about being an artist, so vulnerable and frightening. but what an indescribable feeling it is getting lost in it, and realizing that at that moment nothing else matters. and all of those silly little sayings about LOVE are suddenly more than just sayings, they're real and they express everything that's true in that moment.
so failure comes. so what? its not worth it to fall so far. fuel yourself, allow your loved ones to help you push forward. nurture those talents, cherish your art, because through it you will understand yourself and have the ability to help others do the same.