Sunday, January 30, 2011

papa was a rolling stone

DAY 1 : Ten random facts about yourself. Myself.

1. I feel kinda embarrassed playing with other people's babies, trying to make them smile, carrying them and such around their parents because I feel like the parent is probably thinking, "What is she doing to my baby?" but I think if you would give me the baby, put me in a room, I probably would do whatever and look stupid just to make the baby smile.

2. I like babies. Someday, I'm going to have a baby of my own. And I'll be able to spoil my baby and make the funniest and stupidest faces but no one can judge me because I'm the mother. Yeah. My baby is going to have big eyes. Unlike me.

3. I am afraid of the dark. I am sixteen going on seventeen.

4. I dislike cooking. More than anything.

5. Mushrooms and pepper are my obsessions.

6. So, how old were you when you gave up your Barbie Dolls? I'm sixteen and I haven't given mine up yet. I have 6 Barbie Dolls and I'm proud of them and my mummy bought my sixth one when I was fifteen. Thank you, mummy. I LOVE YOU.

7. I'll feel extremely uncomfortable if I don not brush my teeth take a bath wash my face before I go out. And in that order.

8. I have a knack for tank tops. I have no idea why. Sometimes, most of the time, I don't even look good in them but I always look out for pretty tank top anyway.

9. When I'm bored, I love to do online window shopping. You should try it too. It's uber fun, no joke.

10. I need to pee.


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