Sunday, May 3, 2009

and look how far we've come

It was exactly like slipping into a nightgown when I tried on a maxi dress today. Or maybe, it's because it was all in the mind, how my mother has always said she teased her friend at work about wearing a maxi dress. Despite all that, I can tell you, I felt SO TALL.

I went boutique shopping today. After eating, something so sinful. And on a Sunday. Anyway. I only went to one shop. So much for boutique shopping. Little Black Book arranged their clothes according to the colours and it was pretty fun scanning through. And even though I think I tried on the most clothes, I came back with nothing. Whoopdeedoo.

But, I had fun.

My handbag drives me nuts sometimes. Every time I pass through a scanner, it goes beep beep beep. If I were lucky enough, there won't be a security guard. But if there was a security guard there, my bag would be ransacked, or in some other places, forced into a locker.

My poor Aldo bag, sitting in a lonely locker.

People say maybe there's metal attached to it, (tell me, which handbag does not have metal?) or maybe something in the bag. Still, I don't get it why my bag goes beep beep beep and my sister's does not. We own the exact bag, with the exact key chain.

I told my mother I wanted a new bag, since it goes beep beep beep and her answer was simple. 'Nonsense' .

That was nice, thank you.

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