tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
I look fat and all, but it is not because I put on weight, because I did not, I was not ready for the picture.So here you go, it's Canada. Not really, it's my brother and me (: We were both heading off to different parties, Peter's a more formal one than mine. That's the reason for his dressing.
And it snowed a whole lot on Sunday, Monday, Malaysian time. There were many accidents that I did not witness as I stayed in my room the whole day. All I had was a window that looks out to the road, but I only looked out twice. In other words, my cousin called me emo that day. I only stepped downstairs three times. I'm not proud of it or anything. I'm not ashamed of it either. hehe.
Meet Abu, the youngest among us cousins. Well cousins in the first generation, that is. It was obviously cold and don't ask me what he is holding or doing outside the house because I don't know. I was not there and I did not take this picture. ngehhh (:
His real name is Micheal, by the way.Canada has not have a white Christmas for years and well, this pile of snow has been estimated to melt in the next seven days or something. It usually takes two to three days. Sometimes, it snows and the next day you wake up, you only see small spots. Yeah, the snow melts fast and while you may think that winter is cold cold cold and snow means freezing time, it does not naturally mean that. The sun comes out sometimes and it gets pretty warm. One day, you who haven't see snow, should go see snow. It's winter wonderland now (:
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