Sunday, February 6, 2011

one in a million

Day 7: Four memories you won’t forget.

1. At one time, my daddy was hunting about for the phone he wanted at that time, and like anyone else, we would go look at it a few times, see if we like it, look for places with the lowest price. In a week, my daddy took me to Pyramid about three or four times in a row. He would leave me in MPH to read whatever while he goes to check out his phone. When I was younger, my daddy never allowed us to read fashion magazines or gossip magazines and stuff like that because of the influences we get from there. So when my daddy left me in MPH, I grabbed about three different magazines and hid right at the back of the store. Too bad I was too into my magazine to realize daddy coming. Hahahah.

2. Playing hide and seek at night in Cameron Highlands. We would take a walk by the hops at night while we were on holiday in Cameron Highlands. Then we'll go to the playground, all dark only a small part lit up by the lamp post. Pretty cool for hide and seek. My daddy, sister, brother and me would play together. Then once, when it was my daddy's turn to play seek, I went off to look for a place to hide but couldn't find one, so my mummy hid me under a pile of jackets between my aunty and her. It was so fun, I'm usually the one they find first because I'm afraid of the dark and I can't run fast. So everyone had taken off their jackets at that time and I used to be skinny and small, hahah. I kinda just balled up myself and my mummy covered me with the jackets and after my daddy had found my sister and brother, they were all going about wondering where I am. I won that game. For the first time. And only time I think.

3. When we were younger, my sister and me (and my brother sometimes) would play a game while lying in bed at night, supposedly asleep. I don't know who made up the game, okay, it's not even a game, but I don't know who made it up but it stuck for a very long time. Someone would say, "There's a robber coming, stick together !" then we'll shout. Just shout. And we'll do it a few times and it'll be so funny because in the end, we'll just be shouting. Then either mummy or daddy would come into the room because they're wondering if there's something wrong. hahah.

4. Once, my whole family went to Genting Highlands, when I was really young, maybe 8 or 9? My brother and me walked out of our hotel room to go look for something or take a walk while everyone was getting ready to go out. Then, when we decided to head back, we couldn't find our room. We actually rang the doorbells of the rooms we thought were our, and then someone else would appear at the door. I got scared. I started clinging on to my brother, whining for him to find our room and he put on a brave face, told me not to worry we'll find it. There was an unlocked door. We pushed it open. There was a lady putting on her makeup and she stared at us. I was almost in tears, I kept telling my brother that he should ask someone ask someone but he didn't want to, so when a janitor or somebody working in the hotel passed by, I asked him to help us look for our room. He walked us a little and rand the doorbell and poof, my aunty was there. Clever hotel worker. Thank you so much.


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